Wednesday 7 September 2016

Remedios Para La Acidez

Heartburn affects about 60 million Americans once a month and while it is a very common medical condition, people often choose the wrong techniques to treat heartburn. While there are natural heartburn cures that a person suffering from frequent heartburn may use as a heartburn home remedy; more and more sufferers are considering a popular and expensive GERD treatment called nissen fundoplication. This is a surgical treatment that is recommended for people suffering from GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

In GERD, too much gastric acid spills from the stomach to the esophagus causing severe symptoms. Nissen fundoplication is a reflux remedy which uses a valve that will prevent the acid from moving up to the esophagus. This valve however only temporarily reduces heartburn symptoms and often recurrence of heartburn happens. Patients suffer from recurrence even when the valve is present due to lack of motivation to change their diet and to make better lifestyle choices.

Why is heartburn home remedy better?

Home remedies are better in heartburn relief simply because they work. You can cure heartburn by simply making better choices when it comes to foods you eat, when to eat them and how much you eat per meal. It costs thousands of dollars to undergo surgical procedures in an attempt to relieve heartburn however; natural remedies may not cost you anything at all. Medications like antacids and H2 blocker drugs on the other hand may be very effective but have serious side effects in tow. All in all, natural remedies are the best ways to cure and prevent heartburn.

What are practical heartburn natural remedies to use?

As mentioned, minding what you eat is a practical way to stop heartburn. You need to watch what you eat since there are so many foods that can trigger heartburn. Spicy foods like curries, salsas, hot peppers and hot sauces are must be avoided; fatty foods like deep fried foods and sauces may also trigger a bout of heartburn.

You must also refrain from eating too much since this is a sure way to trigger more gastric acid production. Eat small meals instead and take time to stand and do activities before you lie down. If you are always on the remedios caseros para la acidez estomacal go, pause and relax before you gulp down your food. Relax before, during and after meals will prevent you from having another heartburn attack.

Are there any special considerations?

Aside from simple lifestyle practices, there are also natural ways to reduce heartburn and that is to use herbs and natural supplements. Although most of these are highly effective, pregnant women must never use any heartburn home remedy unless recommended by their doctor. Pregnancy often brings terrible cases of heartburn and is attributed to changes in hormone levels. Pregnant women may instead use cure remedies to naturally reduce heartburn like eating small but frequent meals and avoid lying down after a meal. If heartburn gets worse, pregnant women may consult their doctor for the best possible reflux remedy.

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